Executive Function Coaching

We work with clients who are trying to improve their executive functioning capabilities. Some of the areas for which we offer help to adolescents and young adults:

  • Managing their time effectively to avoid “lost time” to video games, social media, internet rabbit holes, binge watching, excess sleep, etc.

  • Creating a daily structure including work, studies, managing their life and health. We want every client to have time to be outdoors, have fun and socialize with peers

  • Learning how to approach all size projects in small steps

  • Moving away from the habit of procrastination, which can lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress

  • Being accountable to meeting deadlines and commitments

  • Developing new permanent habits in a systematic and effective manner

  • Guidance in moving more smoothly through transitions and readjusting after setbacks

  • Develop systems for organization of space and tasks

  • Increase problem-solving skills

  • Guidance in socialization and getting along with people for those who naturally isolate

  • Help with impulsivity and working towards stepping back and working through decisions

While we have suggested some common areas we find are important for our clients, our approach is totally individualized. It is not a program. Through building a relationship and engaging in open talks with our client, we together assess what areas could use some improvement. We prioritize which life skills are most relevant, get started on those, and begin the process of a partnership with accountability built in.